Expressing Care in Families - Keep Connected

Expressing care is fundamental to strong and healthy family relationships. Because of that, it’s important to tell family members we care about them and that we want the best for them. But we can also express care through other ways, such as these actions:

  • Being dependable: Be someone others can count on and trust.
  • Listening to each other: Pay attention to each other and have open, respectful communication.
  • Believing in each other: Share with others that they are known and valued.
  • Be warm to each other: Let each other know that we like being together.
  • Encourage each other: Praise each other’s efforts and achievements.

How Well Do We Express Care?

According to a Search Institute survey, 80% of participating parenting adults considered expressing care to be the strongest developmental relationship element in their family relationships. Are you wondering how you and your family would stack up? Take the Express Care Quiz and share it with other members of your household.