August 19, 2022

Dear Allen Creek Students and Families,

We hope this letter finds you and your family well and ready to start our new school year.  If you are new to Allen Creek, welcome!  If you are returning, welcome back!  Your teachers, and we in the office, have been preparing our school and classrooms as we anticipate the arrival of our wonderful students and families!

We are getting ready for a great beginning to our new school year.  As your new principal and assistant principal, we can’t wait to see you!  Below you will find some information to help you prepare.  

Tuesday, August 30th-Allen Creek Open House: 5:30 and 7:00pm. We’ll be in the gym!  Enter through the gym doors by following the sidewalk along the south side of the building.  Check in to receive your teacher’s name, visit your new classroom and teacher and meet your other wonderful teachers and staff as well as Principal Gonzales and Assistant Principal Murray.  Each student will receive a scavenger hunt card.  Complete the card as you visit our booths in the gym as well as your child’s classroom. When finished, turn the card in and collect a small prize at the office booth and enter a drawing for a small stuffed animal dolphin. If you cannot make the open house, you will receive an email from your child’s teacher welcoming him or her to class.

Thursday, September 1: First student day for 1st-5th grades

Wednesday, September 7: First day of Kindergarten

Monday, September 26: Picture Day

Daily Schedule:  

9:10: car rider & bus unloading begins and cafeteria opens for breakfast

Monday-Thursday 9:25: student day begins  3:45: dismissal

Friday- 2:15 early dismissal

If you have any questions or just need to connect with an administrator, please feel free to call our office at 360-965-1100 and one of us will get back to you as soon as we can.   We’re here for you!

See you soon,

Dr. Gonzales, Principal  and Ms. Murray, Assistant Principal 

Car Riders and Walkers Drop off and Pick Up Procedure:  We will have a slightly different route for exiting the school this year.  Cars dropping off students will exit the south side of the school through the staff parking lot.  Cars will turn right when exiting, go around the lot, and then exit onto the road.  This is in an effort to reduce cars waiting to enter the loading zones.  We will also ask families to place a placard in the passenger side window for each student being dropped off or picked up.  This will help staff connect students more quickly with their classes in the morning and with their families after school.  Placards will be available at our Open House and we will make them available to families before or in the first days of school.  We thank you for your patience and support as we work to begin these new procedures.  Below is a map of the route cars take to get to the loading and unloading zone and to exit the parking lot.