
May 4th, 2020

Dear Class of 2020 and Families, 

We know that you have been awaiting final word on what graduation is going to look like this year. The Marysville School District, along with other districts in our state, has had to come to terms with a graduation that doesn’t include large crowds gathering in one place. This decision was based on guidance from the Governor. 

Each of the four high schools in Marysville is going to provide the same, two-day approach to graduation with the intention of making each ceremony unique to each school. The first of these two days will be called “Diploma Day,” which is May 29th for MGHS, and the second day is Graduation Day, which remains on June 10th. 

While there are still some details to be worked out I wanted to share with you an outline of the plan so that you can make necessary arrangements to prepare your graduate and all of the family members who are waiting to celebrate them. 

Day One: Diploma Day May 29th

  • Graduates in cap and gown report to the MGHS student parking lot at designated times (by SLC and last name). Students must be present on this day to participate in the graduation ceremony. Students must wear a cap and gown for this event.

  • Graduates head along marked paths, guided by MGHS staff, to the E/F Building. They maintain a distance of 6 feet and can wear masks during this time. Graduates collect regalia, etc. along the way (if needed) and proceed into the E/F Building where representatives of the district and I await them. As they cross the stage, they will be videotaped and still photos will be taken. Our staff name reader will read not only your students’ name, but also information they share with us prior to the 19th on a survey (ex. College they will attend, what graduation means to them, fondest memory, etc.). 

  • Speeches will also be recorded on that day. 

  • Each student will exit the E/F Building and head off through a path lined with staff members back to the parking lot. 

  • There is no rehearsal for this day. Seniors, please mark your calendars for May 29th and be available all day (starting at 8:30) for this event. 

Day Two: Graduation Day

We have a production company that is going to put these images/videos into a ceremony video that will play live online - stay tuned for the exact website(s) - on June 10th, at 7PM. At that point, students watching with families will be certified as the Class of 2020 and can turn their tassels and officially graduate. All of Marysville and families across the globe can join in celebrating MGHS graduates on that night. 

I know that you will have lots of questions--please understand that we are working hard on finalizing the details and will communicate with you as soon as we know. For now, engage in your classes, make sure you have a cap and gown (call Jostens in Marysville with questions on caps and gowns) and read your emails, MGHS Facebook, and Instagram posts to keep up to speed on plans for the end of the year. The staff at Marysville Getchell is excited to make this a special, unique graduation for our seniors. They deserve the best!


Richard Zimmerman


Marysville Getchell High School

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Make it a great day the Charger way!